Wednesday, February 7, 2018

question?..... sneak peak

Took a break from posting and taking pics of ties and flying. I've been thinking about getting back at it.  I've still been tying and flying, just the camera has not been in the picture.... lol   I need to reboot the blog here, since photo bucket decided to steal my images for some of the post and I know links are down on some topics on the side bar.  Ill have all these problems done soon. 

 So my question to my subscribers is, which flies or techniques would you like to see here? Leave me a comment and let me know! maybe the infamous golden oldie?

Tight ties
Johnny Utah


  1. Welcome back.
    Love that header photo.

  2. Welcome back . I’d like to see a tutorial on the golden oldie stonefly please !

  3. I'm with Jules- golden oldie tutorial, please.


Feel free to ask questions! Give feedback!!