Friday, September 9, 2011

The Top Secret Midge and Blue Quill Angler

The top secret midge is a midge pupa pattern that was developed by guide Pat Dorsey of the Blue Quill Angler in Evergreen Colorado. I love to fish this pattern on the lime in PA. When it's tied very small it cleans up.  I fish the pattern tandem on nymph rigs, as a dropper on dry drop rigs, and I fish it solo on a greased leader. I havent found a way that it isnt effective.

The Blue quill angler is great shop out in Colorado. They have a fantastic staff and unbeatable customer service. They have a great online fly shop  HERE. They offer free shipping on order over $5. Yes that is correct.  They have fair and competitive prices and good selection of materials.  You can pick up wing material for the top secret HERE, or you pick up some all ready twisted top secrets HERE.                                                                The above top secret twisted by Dorsey.

Heres a pair I twisted up. Ones got rusty brown superfine for the thorax region and the one to the left here has dark brown stella dub. I use grey thread for the rib instead of white.  Use white if you want a very translucent rib. The white pretty much vanishes.  One both I used dark brown uni thread, top secret wing material and Dai-Riki 125 hooks.  All the materials are availble at the blue quill angler fly shop.

 Heres a video on how to tie Dorsey's Miracle Nymph

Tight Ties 
Johnny Utah


  1. Great video. The top secret is a favorite of mine.

  2. Thanks George, Its a favorite of mine also.

  3. George Sep 10, 2011 05:29 AM

    Great video. The top secret is a favorite of mine.


    1. Mad Man, Thank you, and it really is a great pattern, hats off to Pat!


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