Monday, September 5, 2011

Goosy adams parachute

Here is a version of the adams I put together some time ago. It works just as well as any adams. It has caught me some very selective trout though, that refused a standard adams parachute.  I tie this fly on light wire scud or emerger hooks. This one is tied on a daiichi 1130. I tie and fish them in a range of sizes. Really small ones are very effective.  The abdomen of the fly is fibers from a grey canadain goose feather. I wrap them so the under side of the feather is shown on the shank. I then rib the abdomen with dark grey montana midge body thread. It gives it some flash. The abdomen I use grey stella dub.  The post is siliconized poly yarn. And the hackle is your standard hackle for the adams, grizzly and brown.

Tight Ties everyone.


  1. Nice pattern Mr. Utah. I'm going to tie some of these up tonight when i get a free second away from the wife & kids. What size and style hook do you find works the best? Also what in the world is steller dub and what store online sells that stuff?

  2. Thank you very much for your compliments. Sizes 12-24 on a light wire scud or emerger hook. The daiichi 1130 is great as well as the dai-riki 125,

    Stella dub is my own line of dubbin which I make. I sell the dubbin. If your interested simply send me an email at

    Thank you
    Tight Ties

  3. Nice post! And that's a very creative use of materials! Anonymous-You should definitely buy his dubbing. I swear by it, I won't ever use any other synthetic that is comparable to stella dub.


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