Monday, October 28, 2013

Little black diving caddis tutorial

 Here is a tutorial for the diving the caddis wet fly. I always tie a few small black ones. They work really well on streams with good little black caddis populations.  The fly is effective almost all day long and is best fished down and across with mends to allow the fly to drift naturally or dead, then allow to swim when the mend straightens. 

Hook- Daiichi Alec Jackson North country hook #13-15 or your favorite dry fly hook #18-22
Thread- Black 8/0 uni
Body- Black antron or polar dub
Wing- any black soft hackle fiber, Here i used jackdaw. 
Over wing- Clear antron fibers
Hackle- original calls for dry fly hackle but i prefer whiting hen neck hackle in black. 

And the fly is complete. Dont worry about being neat with a wing. The more ragged and rough the fly comes out, the better it will fish. 


Feel free to ask questions! Give feedback!!