Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Flutter stone

Here is my tie for a spent or dying stonefly. You can tie them in a variety of colors to match the stones.  Be sure to set the player to hd. Use the little gear just below the player.   Be sure to do this with all my videos as they are all 1080 hd.

Hook- Daiichi 1180 #16
Thread- Uni 8/0 dark brown
Body- Black foam
Under wing- White/clear z-lon
Wing- White poly yarn
Front- Black superfine dubbin
Hackle- Grizzley rooster hackle


  1. Nice fly. I especially like the black segmented body. I typically use them on the Tulpehocken from now to April. I usually just do a black fur or thread abdomen and bulkier thorax. I am curious though as to why you use the white Zelon under wing and then the white poly over wing? do you think the two material wing enhances it fish catching qualities? You ever try just one of those two materials to see if it works as well?

    I used to live in Parsippany and BFB was my "home" river. But I have a place on the WB of the Delaware and that is where I fish most of the time.

    1. Thank you. I use the z-lon under wing for flash. The poly wing is for added floatation. I have tied them both ways and they both work. But tied with both wings, you get the best of both worlds. I like the added floatation for very rough water and for skittering.

      West branch of the d is a beautiful and great fishery. Maybe we will cross paths this season.



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