Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ridge and Valley T.U. Fly tiers round table, Sulpher Emerger video

   Well last evening was my T.U. chapters second tiers round table meeting. It was a good turn out for the event.  At the meeting I demoed and gave instructions how to tie a great emerging  sulphur soft hackle that I have been tying and using for some time. The fly can be fish dead drift in the film, bounced on the bottom, fish as a dropper off a dry fly and on the swing. A leisenring lift is particularly deadly with this fly. 

Special thanks to the M.W.A. for allowing us to use there amazing building check them out Musconetcong water association

Here is the video of the fly I last night, and thanks to everyone for coming out. Hope to see you all next month! Enjoy the video.
Hook- Daiichi 1110, 1180, 1560  sizes 14 and 16
Thread- Uni- 8/0 Light cahill.
Tail- Pheasant tail fibers
Rib- Tag of tying thread
Abdomen- Pheasant tail
Thorax- Lite yellow U.V. Ice dub.
Hackle- Dun hen neck hackle ( Whiting hen is great for this pattern as it will help the fly stay in film)


  1. Johnny,
    Thanks again for a great tutorial on that Sulphur. Last night's Round Table was a great success with double the turnout from last month!
    I am looking forward to our next months Round Table.

    Tight Lines,

    1. Say my name,
      No problem and glad to do it anytime. I was surprised with the turnout and I to am looking forward to next month.

      All the best

  2. Great pattern! I tie it for baetis using lt. olive ice dub, dk. olive uni, and dk. dun Hebert Miner hen. Worked wonders on Boulder Creek yesterday. Rock on, dude!


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