Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring session 3, some birthday trout.

  Well on Thursday it was my birthday, and I got out for some flying for wild browns as usual.  The bugs were hatching and first I hit my local spring creek for some action.  The trout were rising all over the place to bwos, caddis and midges.  I know that the stream has a few hedrickson in it so i figured the fish would be on the look out for them. I tied on the Hedrickson nicheo dun and rather quickly i was into my first wild brown of the morning. I got several more before Josh call to meet up for a session, so off to Pa i went to hit my favorite freestoner. Here the caddis were coming off heavy and egg laying as well. However the trout were defiantly more interested in the mayflies coming off sporadically. The hendrickson nicheo did the trick.  We both did well and before i knew it, it was time for me to head out.  All in all it was a great B-day fishing session.


  1. Happy Birthday my friend.
    Your photos are awesome as usual.

    1. Thank you, Its fun getting pics as you know.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Chadd, they all fought very well.

  3. Happy Birthday, Johnny! Looks like you had a fine day on the water. Tom

    1. Thank you Tom, Hope your getting out.


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