Monday, September 5, 2011

Floating nymph 2

The pheasant tail nymph is a deadly nymph for sure, but an equal to the famous pheasant tail, is the Gold ribbed hares ear nymph. The hares ear  also makes a great floating nymph. Its very productive and can be effective in a range of sizes from 12-22 and im sure it would work well if you can manage to tie it smaller as well.  In this video I twist one up with a hi-vis post of hot pink parapost. The dubbin I use is my  U.V. High Test. I have been using this dubbin for this pattern for some time now and it does seem to give it an edge over your average parachute hares ear.  All parachute flies no matter the pattern are emerger flies. And we all know how effective emergers are thanks to Carl Richards and Doug Swisher.  Twist these guys up and give them a try.

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